Hebrews 9:18-23

Whereupon; for which reason.

The first testament; or covenant; God's arrangement with his people at Sinai.

Dedicated without blood; it was ratified by the blood of the sacrifice, which typified Christ, who ratified the second covenant with his own blood.
When Moses had spoken; Ex 24:4-11. Testament; covenant. See note to verse Heb 9:15. He sprinkled--all the vessels; Ex 29:12,20,36. Purged; purified. Le 4:20,26,35; 17:11. As there can be no remission of sin except through the shedding of the blood of Christ and the atonement he has made, those who continue to reject him must remain under the guilt of unpardoned sin for ever. Patterns of things in the heavens; the tabernacle and its furniture, typical of the true heavenly tabernacle. See note to verse Heb 9:11.

Better sacrifices; the blood of Christ, which cleanses the conscience of all who believe from sin, and thus prepares them to enter with Christ their forerunner into heaven, the true holy of holies.
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