John 1:1

In the beginning; of the creation. He who was with God in the beginning of all created things, is before all things, and has existed from eternity. Compare chap Joh 17:5; Col 1:17.

The Word; a term applied by John to the second person of the Godhead in his eternal existence. Just as he is called "the Life" and "the Light," because he has in himself life and light, and imparts them to his creatures at his pleasure; so he is called "the Word," because in him "are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge," and by his word and Spirit he reveals them to men. See Re 19:13.

With God; in holy union, fellowship, and communion.

Was God; this is a direct assertion of his divine nature as existing from eternity. The Bible reveals that Jesus Christ is God, the maker of all things that ever were made. All who have the Bible are therefore bound to acknowledge him in this character, and to pay him divine honors.

Romans 9:15

He saith to Moses; Ex 33:19.

1 Timothy 3:16

The mystery of godliness; that great mystery of the manifestation of God in human nature, of which the apostle proceeds to speak. It is a mystery, as having been hitherto hidden in the secret counsels of God; and the mystery of godliness, as having godliness for its end in all that believe.

God was manifest in the flesh; compare Joh 1:14, "And the Word was made flesh"--the same Word which was in the beginning with God, and was God, verse 1Ti 3:1.

Justified in the Spirit; shown to be just in his claims as the Messiah, by the Holy Ghost, given to him without measure, and working in and by him with divine power.

Seen of angels; who ministered to him and worshipped him, even in his deepest humiliation. Heb 1:6.

Preached unto the Gentiles; to all nations as the almighty and only Saviour.

Believed on; by multitudes of Jews and Gentiles.

Received up into glory; where he ever lives to make intercession for all who come unto God by him. Heb 7:25.

Hebrews 1:8

Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever; taken from Ps 45:6,7, where the Messiah appears in the character of the husband of the church.

1 John 5:20

May know him that is true; the Father whom the Son has revealed to us.

And we are in him--Jesus Christ; the literal rendering of these words is, And we are in him that is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. The meaning seems to be, that we are in the true God by being in his Son Jesus Christ; or, which comes to the same thing, that being in the Son is being in the Father. Compare Joh 17:21, "that they may be one in us." As Jesus Christ is the true God, the author of eternal life, and has promised to give it to all who believe on him, all have the best reasons and strongest motives to trust in him, and to continue steadfast in their adherence to truth and duty, till faith shall be swallowed up in vision and hope in endless joy.
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