John 14:15

John 14:21

1 Corinthians 1:30

Of him; of the free grace of God, and by the exercise of his power. Ps 110:3; Jas 1:18; 1Jo 4:19.

In Christ; united to him by faith, and for his sake entitled to receive all needed good. In him therefore they may rejoice, and in him alone, with joy unspeakable and full of glory. 1Pe 1:8,9.

1 Corinthians 16:22

Anathema; accursed, that is, of God.

Maran-atha; the Lord cometh, namely, to judgment. This addition to the anathema contains a solemn intimation of the time when it will be fulfilled.

Was written from Philippi; the superscriptions to the epistles are not a part of the inspired Scriptures, but were added at a later period, and contain errors. From verse 1Co 16:8 of this chapter it appears that Paul wrote this epistle from Ephesus.
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