John 6:31-35

Our fathers did eat manna; still thinking that Jesus was speaking of the bread that should nourish the body, they intimate that the miracle of the manna in the desert, Ex 16:13-18, was greater than that which he has wrought, and that they may reasonably ask of him a higher sign. Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; it did not come from the heaven where God resides, but from the natural heaven, and was simply natural bread--"the meat which perisheth."

The true bread from heaven; the true spiritual bread that comes from God's own presence and feeds the soul.
He which cometh down from heaven; rather, as the original may be rendered, that which cometh down from heaven; for the Jews, as appears from the following verse, did not yet understand him as speaking of himself. Evermore give us this bread; not yet understanding its spiritual nature, but supposing it to be some miraculous kind of bread that should give life to the body. I am the bread of life; the author, nourisher, and supporter of spiritual, eternal life. Having spoken of the bread from heaven, he now represents himself under the similitude of heavenly bread; and the eating of his flesh and drinking his blood, or spiritually believing on him, as essential to spiritual life.

Never hunger--never thirst; never desire any higher or more satisfying good.

John 6:48-51

Not die; the eating of that bread will give eternal life to his soul, and in the end, a glorious immortality to his body also. Compare ver Joh 6:39,40. My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world; an allusion, which could not be understood at the time by his hearers, to the gift of his flesh on the cross for the salvation of the world.
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