Matthew 16:21-23

To show; that is, plainly. Before this, he had only given obscure intimations of his approaching death. Rebuke him; this showed the self-sufficiency of Peter, his forwardness to express his opinion, and his liability to err.

Shall not be; this was in direct opposition to what Christ had said should be, and what was essential to the salvation of men; showing that Peter was not infallible, but was often wrong. "As with a hammer of iron, Christ here crushes carnal prudence in Peter." We have infallible evidence of the fallibility of Peter, and that he was not, in character, conduct, or authority, above the other apostles.
Get thee behind me; a similar expression to what Christ had before used with regard to Satan, the great adversary of God and man.

Thou savorest not; thinkest not. Peter did not coincide in his views with God, but with men in opposition to God. God caused this evidence to be placed upon a permanent record, that all might know that such as exalt Peter above his fellow-apostles, in this savor not the things that be of God, but those that be of men, and expose themselves to the rebuke of the Saviour, "Get thee behind me."

Matthew 20:17-19

Betrayed; Mt 26:49.

Chief priests--scribes; ecclesiastical rulers. Mt 26:47.
Gentiles; the Romans, who were then the civil rulers of Judea, and who alone had authority to put an accused person to death.
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