Matthew 3:13-17

I have need to be baptized of thee; John, being a sinner, needed that spiritual renovation, the necessity and practicability of which were taught by baptism; but Jesus Christ being perfectly holy, did not need it. John therefore did not know why he should come to him to be baptized. But Christ showed him that under the circumstances in which they were placed, it was proper. Then John baptized him. To fulfil all righteousness; all the requirements of God. Since Christ had taken upon himself the nature of sinful men, and put himself in their stead, it was proper that he should submit himself to every ordinance of God's appointment. Lighting upon him; in token of his being endowed with the Holy Spirit for his work. Compare Joh 3:34. vs 16, 17. At the opening of the Saviour's ministry we have a manifestation of the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, all cooperating in the great work of man's salvation. A voice; the voice of God the father, acknowledging Christ as his beloved Son, and expressing his approbation of his character, office, and work.
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