Matthew 4:1-11

The Spirit; the Holy Spirit.

To be tempted of the devil; as were our first parents in Eden, and as are all their children. Christ must qualify himself for his office of Redeemer by successfully withstanding that temptation under which Adam and his children fell. See note on chap. Mt 3:15. At the same time he gave an example of the way to resist temptation, to baffle the tempter, and to overcome when tempted. God often leads his servants into great trials preparatory to the discharge of great and momentous duties.
Tempter; Satan, the adversary of God and man, who solicits to evil, and suggests motives to induce men to commit it. It is written; De 8:3.

By every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God; every appointment of God for this purpose. Matthew does not here quote the exact words, but the sense.
Those who wrongly quote the Bible, and thus pervert its meaning, imitate the devil. If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down; Satan would have Jesus tempt God by a needless exposure of his life.

It is written; Ps 91:11,12. The phrase, "in all thy ways," which is in the text quoted, meaning in the path of duty, Satan omitted, as if God would preserve a person from harm when out of the path of duty. This was a gross perversion of Scripture.
It is written; De 6:16.

Thou shalt not tempt the Lord; try his power, truth, and faithfulness in opposition to his revealed will.
It is written; De 6:13. If we steadfastly resist his temptations by refusing to comply with them, and follow the directions of Scripture, the tempter will flee from us, Jas 4:7, and we shall secure the assistance of good angels, who are sent forth to minister to them who are heirs of salvation. Heb 1:14.
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