Matthew 4:18-22

Sea of Galilee; called also the sea of Tiberias and the lake of Gennesareth; about thirteen miles long, and from six to nine miles wide: through it runs the Jordan. Those who are diligent in appropriate business are preparing for increased usefulness. From them Christ often selects his ministers; and he can so influence them, that they will forsake all and follow him. Fishers of men; the means of taking them out of the kingdom of Satan, and bringing them into the kingdom of Christ.

Luke 5:1-11

The common people are often more eager than their rulers to hear the truths of the gospel. These truths, plainly and kindly exhibited, meet their wants as sinners, and commend themselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. Two ships ; fishing-boats. Ministers of the gospel who have preached and labored long without apparent effect, should not be discouraged; but according to Christ's directions should continue to labor in humble dependence on him, and with believing expectations that in his own time and way he will give them success. Depart from me; this was occasioned by the display of his divinity which Jesus had made, and Peter's conviction of his own unworthiness. Catch men; by proclaiming to them the gospel, and thus bringing them from the service of Satan to the service of Christ.

Luke 5:27-28

27-32. Levi, or Matthew, called. Mt 9:9-13.
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