Revelation of John 11:7

The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit; Satan and his emissaries, or persecutors instigated by the evil one. See further on chap Re 13.1-18. The word rendered beast here, and in chap Re 13.1-18, is a different word in the original from that in chap Re 4:6. There it means living creatures; here, a wild, savage beast.

Shall overcome them, and kill them; the various conjectures concerning the slaying of the witnesses are uncertain. The time has not yet come for the clear understanding of this prophecy.

Revelation of John 13:1

A beast; the symbol of a great evil and persecuting power.

Out of the sea; out of the troubles, commotions, and revolutions of that period. Compare Da 7:2.

Seven heads--ten horns--ten crowns; it is a continuation of the same great persecuting power that has been described in the preceding chapter, but at a later age, and in another form. The horns now wear the crowns, not the heads, as before, chap Re 12:1; indicating that the power has been transferred to them. This beast is then identical with the fourth beast of Daniel's vision, and represents the ten kingdoms that arose out of the ruins of the old Roman empire. See Da 7:24.

The name of blasphemy; showing his opposition to God and his Christ, and his arrogant assumption of the prerogatives that belong to them.

Revelation of John 13:11

Another beast ; representing an ecclesiastical power, pretended ministers of religion uniting with the civil power, described under the first beast, in persecuting the saints. Out of the earth ; in a quiet, silent way; an exact description of the rise of the spiritual power of the papacy, which grew up stealthily and by degrees. This beast may be considered as including all the other kindred forms of ecclesiastical domination, which arose side by side with the papacy, and constitute with it one vast system of spiritual tyranny. Like a lamb ; professing to be very mild, meek, and humble. Spake as a dragon ; showing himself to be the opposite of what he professed to be.
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