Romans 7:23

Another law; different from my prevailing inclination, my earnest desire.

Warring against; opposing, hindering, and thwarting the full accomplishment of my wishes.

The law of my mind; the desires of my heart, inspired by the Holy Ghost. Ga 5:17.

Bringing me into captivity; a loathsome, hated bondage, which makes me abhor myself. Job 9:31; 42:6.

Law of sin--in my members; propensities to evil which, notwithstanding all that grace has done, are not entirely removed. Christians of the greatest experience and highest attainments in the divine life, are not what they ought to be; not what they desire to be; not what they hope to be; not what God has promised that they shall be; and not what through grace, in fulfilment of his promise, they for ever will be--perfect even as their Father in heaven is perfect.
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