Romans 7:7

Is the law sin? is the law answerable for sin because no one can be justified by it, and because it is made the occasion of increasing the wickedness of those who break it? By no means.

Nay; on the contrary,

I had not known sin; I had not understood my own exceeding sinfulness, had I not seen myself in the light of the law. By the law was the knowledge of sin: for instance, he had not known lust, the desire of forbidden objects, except the law had said,

Thou shalt not covet; not desire what God forbids. As a correct view of the spirituality and extent of the divine law is essential to a right knowledge of one's sins, ministers of the gospel should faithfully preach it, and show its universal and perpetual obligation, that all may understand their true character, renounce dependence on their own works, and rely for salvation on the rich grace of God in Jesus Christ.
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