Romans 8:37-39

More than conquerors; over all our trials; they shall not only fail to separate us from the love of Christ, or to diminish our love to him, or to do us any real harm, but they shall do us great good; showing us the evil of sin and the vanity of the world, quickening us in duty, and making us more holy and more happy.

Him that loved us; Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. All the blessings of believers come to them through Jesus Christ. They are given on his account, and are the purchase of his blood. They should therefore awaken in those who enjoy them, unfeigned and ever-increasing gratitude, and lead them to devote themselves, body and soul, for ever to his service.
The love of God--in Christ Jesus our Lord; "the love of God" here, like "the love of Christ," verse Ro 8:35, is his love towards us, which, however, always includes love on our part towards him.
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