2 Kings 23:29

In his days Pharaohnechoh king of Egypt went up against the king of Assyria to the river Euphrates: and king Josiah {s} went against him; and he slew him at Megiddo, when he had seen him.

(s) Because Pharaoh passed through his country, he was afraid Pharaoh would have done him harm and would have stopped him, yet he did not consult the Lord, and therefore was slain.

2 Kings 24:7

2 Chronicles 35:20

After all this, when Josiah had prepared the temple, Necho king of Egypt came up to fight against {k} Carchemish by Euphrates: and Josiah went out against him.

(k) Which was a city of the Assyrians and Josiah fearing lest in passing through Judah he would have taken his kingdom, made war against him and did not consult the Lord.
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