Daniel 7:25

And he shall speak [great] words against {o} the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to {p} change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a {q} time and times and the dividing of time.

(o) That is, will make wicked decrees and proclamations against God's word, and send throughout all their dominion, to destroy all that did profess it. (p) These emperors will not consider that they have their power from God, but think it is in their own power to change God's laws and man's, and as it were the order of nature, as appears by Octavius, Tiberius, Calligula, Nero, Domitianus, etc. (q) God will allow them to rage in this way against his saints for a long time, the time and times, but at length he will soften these troubles, and shorten the time for his elect's sake, Mt 24:22, which is here meant by the dividing of time.
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