Galatians 4:4

{2} But when the {c} fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a {d} woman, made under the law,

(2) He utters and declares many things at once, that is, that this tutorship was ended at his time, in order that curious men may stop asking why the schoolmastership lasted so long. And moreover, that we are not sons by nature, but by adoption, and that in the Son of God, who therefore took upon him our flesh, that we might be made his brethren. (c) The time is said to be full when all parts of it are past and ended, and therefore Christ could not have come either sooner or later. (d) He calls Mary a woman in respect of the sex, and not as the word is used in a contrary sense to a virgin, for she remained a virgin still.
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