Hebrews 13:10

{7} We have an {f} altar, whereof they have no right to eat which {g} serve the tabernacle.

(7) He refutes their error by an apt and fit comparison. They who in times past served the Tabernacle, did not eat of the sacrifices whose blood was brought for sin into the holy place by the high priest. Moreover these sacrifices represented Christ our offering. Therefore they cannot be partakers of him if they serve the tabernacle, that is, stand in the service of the law: but let us not be ashamed to follow him out of Jerusalem, from which he was cast out and suffered for in this also Christ, who is the truth, answers that type in that he suffered outside the gate. (f) By the altar, he means the offerings. (g) Of which they cannot be partakers, who stubbornly retain the rites of the law.
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