John 7:16

{5} Jesus answered them, and said, {e} My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.

(5) Therefore there are few to whom the gospel appeals, because the giving of serious attention to godliness is very rare. (e) See above in Joh 5:22; and he speaks this in accordance with the opinion of the Jews, as if he said, "My doctrine is not mine, that is, it is not the doctrine of myself, whom you consider to be just a mere man and therefore treat me lightly, but it is his that sent me."

John 9:3

Jesus answered, {a} Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.

(a) Christ reasons here as his disciples thought, who presupposed that no diseases came except for the reason of sins: as a result of this he answers that there was another cause of this man's blindness, and that was in order that God's work might be seen.
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