Revelation of John 1:17-18

{10} And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. {11} And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; {12} I am the first and the last:

(10) A religious fear, that goes before the calling of the saints, and their full confirmation to take on them the vocation of God. (11) A divine confirmation of this calling, partly by sign, and partly by word of power. (12) A most elegant description of this calling contained in three things, which are necessary to a just vocation: first the authority of him who calls, for he is the beginning and end of all things, in this verse, for he is eternal and omnipotent Re 1:8. Secondly the sum of his prophetic calling and revelation Re 1:9. Lastly a declaration of those persons to whom this prophecy is by the commandment of God directed in the description of it Re 1:20.
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