Revelation of John 13:5-7

{9} And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him {10} to continue forty [and] two months.

(9) The second part containing a history of the acts of the beast, as I said see Geneva "Re 13:1". The history of them is concluded in two points: the beginning, and the manner of them. The beginning is the gift of the dragon, who put and inspired into the beast both his impiety against the godly and those that were of the household of faith, in Re 13:5 The manner of the acts or actions done, is of two sorts, both impious in mind, and blasphemous in speech against God, his Church and the godly in Re 13:6 and also most cruel and injurious in deeds, even such as were done of most raging enemies, and of most insolent and proud conquerors in Re 13:7 (10) Namely his actions, and manner of dealing. As concerning those two and forty months, I have spoken of them before.

See Geneva "Re 12:6"
And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, {11} and his tabernacle, {12} and them that dwell in heaven.

(11) That is, the holy Church, the true house of the living God. (12) That is, the godly who as a group hid themselves from his cruelty. For this bloody beast charged those holy souls falsely with innumerable accusations for the name of Christ as we read in Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Arnobius, Minutius, Eusebius, Augustine and others: whose example the latter times followed most diligently, in destroying the flock of Christ: and we in our own memory have found by experience, to our incredible grief. Concerning heaven, see in Re 11:12
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