Revelation of John 19:11

{12} And I saw {13} heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him [was] called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

(12) The second part of this chapter (as I said in) see Geneva "Re 19:1" is of the victory gained by Christ against both the beasts: in which first Christ is described as one ready to fight, to the sixteenth verse Re 19:12-16, then the battle is shown to begin, there to the eighteenth verse Re 19:17,18, lastly is set forth the victory, to the end the chapter Re 19:19-21. In this place the most excellent properties of Christ as our heavenly judge and avenger shine forth, according to his person, company, effects and names. (13) Properties belonging to his person, that he is heavenly, judge, faithful, true, just, in this verse, knowing all things, ruling over all, to be known by no one, Re 19:12, the triumpher and in essence, the Word of God, in Re 19:13.
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