Revelation of John 19:17-18

{17} And I saw an angel standing in the {18} sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the {19} midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;

(17) The second part, as I said in see Geneva "Re 19:11". A reproachful calling forth of his enemies into battle: in which not themselves (for why should they be called forth by the king of the world, or provoked being his subjects? for that is not comely) but in their hearing, the birds of the air are called to eat their carcasses. (18) That is, openly, and in sight of all, as in Nu 25:4, 2Sa 12:11. (19) That is, through this inferior heaven, and which is nearer to us: a Hebrew phrase.
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