Revelation of John 5:1

And {1} I saw in the {2} right hand of him that sat on the throne {3} a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

(1) A passing to the second principal cause, which is the Son of God, God and man, the mediator of all, as the eternal word of God the Father, manifest in the flesh. This chapter has two parts: one that prepares the way to the revelation, by rehearsal of the occasions that occurred in the first four verses Re 5:2-5. Another, the history of the revelation of Christ, from there to the end of the chapter Re 5:6-14. (2) That is, in the very right hand of God. (3) Here are shown the occasions for which the principal cause, and this revelation was also necessary: the same are three, the first a present vision of the book of the counsels of God, concerning the government of this whole world, which book is said to be laid up with the Father as it were in his hand: but shut up and unknown to all creature, in this verse. The second is a religious desire of the angels of God to understand the mysteries of this book 1Pe 1:12, Re 5:2. The third is a lamentation of John and all the godly, moved by the same desire Re 5:4 when they saw that it was an impossible thing for any creature to do: which is declared in Re 5:3.

Revelation of John 10:2

And he had in his hand a {3} little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and [his] left [foot] on the earth,

(3) Namely, a special book of the affairs of God's Church: For the book that contains things belonging to the whole world, is said to be kept with the Creator Re 5:1 but the book of the Church, with the Redeemer: and out of this book is taken the rest of the history of this Apocalypse.
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