Nehemiah 12:16

16In the days of Joiakim, the leaders of the priestly families were:

Meraiahof Seraiah,
Hananiahof Jeremiah,
(13) Meshullamof Ezra,
Jehohananof Amariah,
(14) Jonathanof Malluchi,
Josephof Shebaniah,
(15) Adnaof Harim,
Helkaiof Meraioth,
(16) Zechariahof Iddo,
Meshullamof Ginnethon,
(17) Zichriof Abijah,
Piltaiof Moadiah, of Miniamin,
(18) Shammuaof Bilgah,
Jehonathanof Shemaiah,
(19) Mattenaiof Joiarib,
Uzziof Jedaiah,
(20) Kallaiof Sallai,
Eberof Amok,
(21) Hashabiahof Hilkiah,
and Nethanelof Jedaiah.

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