Psalms 3

1A psalm of David when he fled from his son Absalom. a

Lord, how my foes increase!
There are many who attack me. b
2 Many say about me,
“There is no help for him in God.” c ,
Selah: A Hebrew word whose meaning is uncertain; various interpretations include: (1) a musical notation, (2) a pause for silence, (3) a signal for worshipers to fall prostrate on the ground, (4) a term for the worshipers to call out, and (5) a word meaning "forever"


3 But You, Lord, are a shield around me, e
my glory, f and the One who lifts up my head. g
4 I cry aloud to the Lord,
and He answers me from His holy mountain. h ,
Selah: A Hebrew word whose meaning is uncertain; various interpretations include: (1) a musical notation, (2) a pause for silence, (3) a signal for worshipers to fall prostrate on the ground, (4) a term for the worshipers to call out, and (5) a word meaning "forever"


5 I lie down and sleep;
I wake again because the Lord sustains me. j
6 I am not afraid of the thousands of people
who have taken their stand against me on every side. k

7 Rise up, Lord! l
Save me, my God!
You strike all my enemies on the cheek; m
You break the teeth of the wicked. n
8 Salvation belongs to the Lord; o
may Your blessing be on Your people. p ,
Selah: A Hebrew word whose meaning is uncertain; various interpretations include: (1) a musical notation, (2) a pause for silence, (3) a signal for worshipers to fall prostrate on the ground, (4) a term for the worshipers to call out, and (5) a word meaning "forever"


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