Luke 2:34

34Then Simeon
Lit. he
blessed them and said to Mary, his mother, “This child is destined to cause many in Israel to fall or rise. He will be a sign that will be disputed,Isa 8:14; Hos 14:9; Matt 21:44; Acts 28:22; Rom 9:32-33; 1Cor 1:23-24; 2Cor 2:16; 1Pet 2:7-8

Acts 24:5

5For we have found this man a perfect pest and an agitator among all Jews throughout the world. He is a ringleader in the sect of the Nazarenes
Nazareth. 24:5 The Gk. Nazoraios may be a word play between Heb. netser, meaning branch (see Isa 11:1), and the name
Luke 23:2; Acts 6:13; 16:20; 17:6; 21:28; 1Pet 2:12, 15

Acts 24:14

14However, I admit to you that in accordance with the Way, which they call a heresy,
Or sect
I worship the God of our ancestors and believe in everything written in the Law and the Prophets.Amos 8:14; Acts 9:2; 23:6; 26:22; 2Tim 1:3

1 Peter 2:12

12Continue to live such upright lives among the Gentiles that, when they slander you as evildoers, they may see your good works and glorify God when he visits them in judgment.
Lit. on the day of visitation
Matt 5:16; Luke 19:44; Rom 12:17; 2Cor 8:21; Phil 2:15; Titus 2:8; 1Pet 3:16

1 Peter 4:14

14If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the glorious Spirit of God is resting on you.
Other mss. read on you. For their sake he is being blasphemed, but for your sake he is being glorified.
Matt 5:11; 2Cor 12:10; James 1:12; 1Pet 2:12, 19-20

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