Matthew 2:23

23and came and settled in a town called Nazareth in order to fulfill what was said by the prophets: “He will be called a Nazarene.”
Nazareth. 2:23 The Gk. Nazoraios may be a word play between Heb. netser, meaning branch (see Isa 11:1), and the name
Judg 13:5; 1Sam 1:11; John 1:45

Matthew 13:54

54He went to his hometown and began teaching the people
Lit. them
in their synagogue in such a way that they were amazed and said, “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miracles?Matt 2:23; Mark 6:1; Luke 4:16, 23

Mark 6:1

1Jesus Is Rejected at Nazareth Matthew 13:53-58; Luke 4:16-30

Lit. He
left that place and went back to his hometown,
I.e. Nazareth
and his disciples followed him.Matt 13:54; Luke 4:16

Acts 13:14

14They left Perga and arrived in Antioch in Pisidia. On the Sabbath day they went into the synagogue and sat down.Acts 16:13; 17:2; 18:4

Acts 17:2

2As usual, Paul went in and on three Sabbaths discussed the Scriptures with them.Luke 4:16; Acts 9:20; 14:1; 16:13; 19:8
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