Matthew 26:17

17The Passover with the Disciples Mark 14:12-21; Luke 22:7-14, 21-23; John 12:21-30On the first day of the Festival
The Gk. lacks day of the Festival
of Unleavened Bread, the disciples went to Jesus and said, “Where do you want us to make preparations for you to eat the Passover meal?”Exod 12:6, 18; Mark 14:12; Luke 22:7

Mark 14:12

12The Passover with the Disciples Matthew 26:17-25; Luke 22:7-14, 21-23; John 13:21-30On the first day of the Festival
The Gk. lacks of the Festival
of Unleavened Bread, when the Passover lamb is sacrificed, Jesus’
Lit. his
disciples asked him, “Where do you want us to go and make preparations for you to eat the Passover meal?”Matt 26:17; Luke 22:7

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