1 Thessalonians 2:11

     11. exhorted and comfortedExhortation leads one to do a thing willingly; consolation, to do it joyfully [BENGEL], (1Th 5:14). Even in the former term, "exhorted," the Greek includes the additional idea of comforting and advocating one's cause: "encouragingly exhorted." Appropriate in this case, as the Thessalonians were in sorrow, both through persecutions, and also through deaths of friends (1Th 4:13).

      charged—"conjured solemnly," literally, "testifying"; appealing solemnly to you before God.

      every one of you—in private (Ac 20:20), as well as publicly. The minister, if he would be useful, must not deal merely in generalities, but must individualize and particularize.

      as a father—with mild gravity. The Greek is, "his own children."

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