1 Timothy 2:4

     4. "Imitate God." Since He wishes that all should be saved, do you also wish it; and if you wish it, pray for it. For prayer is the instrument of effecting such things [CHRYSOSTOM]. Paul does not say, "He wishes to save all"; for then he would have saved all in matter of fact; but "will have all men to be saved," implies the possibility of man's accepting it (through God's prevenient grace) or rejecting it (through man's own perversity). Our prayers ought to include all, as God's grace included all.

      to come—They are not forced.

      unto the knowledgeGreek, "the full knowledge" or "recognition" (See on 1Co 13:12; Php 1:9).

      the truth—the saving truth as it is in, and by, Jesus (Joh 17:3, 17).

2 Peter 3:9

     9. slack—slow, tardy, late; exceeding the due time, as though that time were already come. Heb 10:37, "will not tarry."

      his promise—which the scoffers cavil at. 2Pe 3:4, "Where is the promise?" It shall be surely fulfilled "according to His promise" (2Pe 3:13).

      some—the "scoffers."

      count—His promise to be the result of "slackness" (tardiness).

      long-suffering—waiting until the full number of those appointed to "salvation" (2Pe 3:15) shall be completed.

      to us-ward—The oldest manuscripts, Vulgate, Syriac, &c., read, "towards YOU."

      any—not desiring that any, yea, even that the scoffers, should perish, which would be the result if He did not give space for repentance.

      comego and be received to repentance: the Greek implies there is room for their being received to repentance (compare Greek, Mr 2:2; Joh 8:37).

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