2 Corinthians 8:4

     4. that we would receive—omitted in the oldest manuscripts. Translate therefore, "Beseeching of us . . . the grace and fellowship of (that is, to grant them the favor of sharing in) the ministering unto the saints." The Macedonian contributions must have been from Philippi, because Philippi was the only church that contributed to Paul's support (Php 4:10, 15, 16).

2 Corinthians 8:19-21

     19. not that only—not only praised in all the churches.

      chosen—by vote: so the Greek.

      of the churches—therefore these companions of Paul are called "messengers of the churches" (2Co 8:23).

      to travel—to Jerusalem.

      with this graceGreek, "in the case of this grace," or "gift."

      to the glory of the same Lord—The oldest manuscripts omit "same."

      declaration of your ready mind—The oldest manuscripts read, "our," not your. This and the previous clause, "to the glory of the same Lord," do not follow "administered by us," but "chosen of the churches to travel," &c. The union of the brother with Paul in this affair of the collection was done to guard against suspicions injurious "to the glory" of the Lord. It was also done in order to produce a "readiness" on the part of Paul and the brother to undertake the office which each, by himself, would have been less ready to undertake, for fear of suspicions arising (2Co 8:20) as to their appropriation of any of the money.

     20. Avoiding—taking precautions against this.

      in this abundancein the case of this abundance.

     21. The Septuagint (Pr 3:4; Ro 12:17). The oldest manuscripts read, "For we provide."

      honest things—"things honorable."

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