2 Samuel 24:13-15

     13. Shall seven years of famine come unto thee—that is, in addition to the three that had been already, with the current year included (see on 1Ch 21:11).

     14. David said, . . . Let us fall now into the hand of the Lord—His overwhelming sense of his sin led him to acquiesce in the punishment denounced, notwithstanding its apparent excess of severity. He proceeded on a good principle in choosing the pestilence. In pestilence he was equally exposed, as it was just and right he should be, to danger as his people, whereas, in war and famine, he possessed means of protection superior to them. Besides, he thereby showed his trust, founded on long experience, in the divine goodness.


     15. from the morning—rather that morning when Gad came [2Sa 24:18], till the end of the three days.

      there died of the people . . . seventy thousand men—Thus was the pride of the vainglorious monarch, confiding in the number of his population, deeply humbled.

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