2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

     16, 17. himself—by His own might, as contrasted with our feebleness; ensuring the efficacy of our prayer. Here our Lord Jesus stands first; in 1Th 3:11, "God our Father."

      which . . . loved us—in the work of our redemption. Referring both to our Lord Jesus (Ro 8:37; Ga 2:20) and God our Father (Joh 3:16).

      everlasting consolation—not transitory, as worldly consolations in trials (Ro 8:38, 39). This for all time present, and then "good hope" for the future [ALFORD].

      through grace—rather as Greek "IN grace"; to be joined to "hath given." Grace is the element in which the gift was made.

     17. Comfort your hearts—unsettled as you have been through those who announced the immediate coming of the Lord.

      good word and work—The oldest manuscripts invert the order, "work and word." Establishment in these were what the young converts at Thessalonica needed, not fanatical teaching (compare 1Co 15:58).

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