2 Timothy 1:16-18

     16. The Lord give mercy—even as ONESIPHORUS had abounded in works of mercy.

      the house of Onesiphorus—He himself was then absent from Ephesus, which accounts for the form of expression (2Ti 4:19). His household would hardly retain his name after the master was dead, as BENGEL supposes him to have been. Nowhere has Paul prayers for the dead, which is fatal to the theory, favored by ALFORD also, that he was dead. God blesses not only the righteous man himself, but all his household.

      my chain—Paul in the second, as in his first imprisonment, was bound by a chain to the soldier who guarded him.

     17. found me—in the crowded metropolis. So in turn "may he find mercy of the Lord in that day" when the whole universe shall be assembled.

     18. grant unto him—as well as "unto his house" (2Ti 1:16).

      the Lord—who rewards a kindness done to His disciples as if done to Himself (Mt 25:45).

      offrom the Lord; "the Lord" is emphatically put instead of "from Himself," for solemnity and emphasis (2Th 3:5).

      in how many things—"how many acts of ministry he rendered."

      unto me—omitted in the oldest manuscripts, so that the "ministered" may include services rendered to others as well as to Paul.

      very well—rather as Greek, "Thou knowest better" (than I can tell thee, seeing that thou art more of a regular resident at Ephesus).

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