Acts 12:12

     12-17. he came to the house of Mary, &c.—who "must have had a house of some pretensions to receive a large number; and, accordingly, we read that her brother Barnabas (Col 4:10) was a person of substance (Ac 4:37). She must also have been distinguished for faith and courage to allow such a meeting in the face of persecution" [WEBSTER and WILKINSON]. To such a house it was natural that Peter should come.

      mother of John . . . Mark—so called to distinguish him from the apostle of that name, and to distinguish her from the other Marys.

      where many were gathered together praying—doubtless for Peter's deliverance, and continuing, no doubt, on this the last of the days of unleavened bread, which was their last hope, all night in prayer to God.

Acts 12:25

     25. Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem—where, it thus appears, they had remained during all this persecution.

      when they had fulfilled their ministry—or service; that mentioned on Ac 11:29, 30.

      took with them John . . . Mark—(See on Ac 12:12), not to be confounded with the second Evangelist, as is often done. As his uncle was Barnabas, so his spiritual father was Peter (1Pe 5:13).

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