Acts 17:5-6

     5-9. the Jews . . . moved with envy—seeing their influence undermined by this stranger.

      lewd fellows of the baser sort—better, perhaps, "worthless market people," that is, idle loungers about the market-place, of indifferent character.

      gathered a company—rather, "having raised a mob."

      assaulted the house of Jason—with whom Paul and Silas abode (Ac 17:7), one of Paul's kinsmen, apparently (Ro 16:21), and from his name, which was sometimes used as a Greek form of the word Joshua [GROTIUS], probably a Hellenistic Jew.

      sought to bring them—Jason's lodgers.

     6. And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers—literally, "the politarchs"; the very name given to the magistrates of Thessalonica in an inscription on a still remaining arch of the city—so minute is the accuracy of this history.

      crying, These that have turned the world upside down—(See on Ac 16:20).

Philippians 1:30

     30. ye saw in me— (Ac 16:12, 19, &c.; 1Th 2:2). I am "in nothing terrified by mine adversaries" (Php 1:29), so ought not ye. The words here, "ye saw . . . and . . . hear," answer to "I come and see you, or else . . . hear" (Php 1:27).

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