Acts 23:7

     6-9. when Paul perceived—from the discussion which plainly had by this time arisen between the parties.

      that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out—raising his voice above both parties.

      I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee—The true reading seems to be, "the son of Pharisees," that is, belonging to a family who from father to son had long been such.

      of the hope and resurrection of the dead—that is, not the vague hope of immortality, but the definite expectation of the resurrection.

      I am called in question—By this adroit stroke, Paul engages the whole Pharisaic section of the council in his favor; the doctrine of a resurrection being common to both, though they would totally differ in their application of it. This was, of course, quite warrantable, and the more so as it was already evident that no impartiality in trying his cause was to be looked for from such an assembly.

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