Amos 9:2-3

     2. Though they dig into hell—though they hide ever so deeply in the earth (Ps 139:8).

      though they climb up to heaven—though they ascend the greatest heights (Job 20:6, 7; Jer 51:53; Ob 4).

     3. Carmel—where the forests, and, on the west side, the caves, furnished hiding-places (Am 1:2; Jud 6:2; 1Sa 13:6).

      the sea—the Mediterranean, which flows at the foot of Mount Carmel; forming a strong antithesis to it.

      command the serpent—the sea-serpent, a term used for any great water monster (Isa 27:1). The symbol of cruel and oppressive kings (Ps 74:13, 14).

Revelation of John 6:15-16

     15. kings . . . hid themselves—Where was now the spirit of those whom the world has so greatly feared? [BENGEL].

      great men—statesmen and high civil officers.

      rich men . . . chief captains—The three oldest manuscripts, A, B, C, transpose thus, "chief captains . . . rich men."

      mighty—The three oldest manuscripts, A, B, and C read, "strong" physically (Ps 33:16).

      in—literally "into"; ran into, so as to hide themselves in.


     16. from the face— (Ps 34:16). On the whole verse, compare Ho 10:8; Lu 23:30.

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