Ephesians 3:13

     13. "I entreat you not to be dispirited."

      for you—in your behalf.

      which is—rather, "which are your glory," namely, inasmuch as showing that God loved you so much, as both to give His Son for you, and to permit His apostles to suffer "tribulations" for you [CHRYSOSTOM] in preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles. See on Eph 3:1, "prisoner for you Gentiles." My tribulations are your spiritual "glory," as your faith is furthered thereby (1Co 4:10).

2 Timothy 2:10

     10. Therefore—Because of the anxiety I feel that the Gospel should be extended; that anxiety being implied in 2Ti 2:9.

      endure—not merely "I passively suffer," but "I actively and perseveringly endure," and "am ready to endure patiently all things."

      the elect's sakes—for the sake of the Church: all the members of Christ's spiritual body (Col 1:24).

      they . . . also—as well as myself: both God's elect not yet converted and those already so.

      salvation . . . glory—not only salvation from wrath, but glory in reigning with Him eternally (2Ti 2:12). Glory is the full expansion of salvation (Ac 2:47; Ro 8:21-24, 30; Heb 9:28). So grace and glory (Ps 84:12).

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