Ephesians 6:10

     10. my brethren—Some of the oldest manuscripts omit these words. Some with Vulgate retain them. The phrase occurs nowhere else in the Epistle (see, however, Eph 6:23); if genuine, it is appropriate here in the close of the Epistle, where he is urging his fellow soldiers to the good fight in the Christian armor. Most of the oldest manuscripts for "finally," read, "henceforward," or "from henceforth" (Ga 6:17).

      be strongGreek, "be strengthened."

      in the power of his mightChrist's might: as in Eph 1:19, it is the Father's might.

2 Thessalonians 3:1

     1. Finally—literally, "As to what remains."

      may have free course—literally, "may run"; spread rapidly without a drag on the wheels of its course. That the new-creating word may "run," as "swiftly" as the creative word at the first (Ps 147:15). The opposite is the word of God being "bound" (2Ti 2:9).

      glorified—by sinners accepting it (Ac 13:48; Ga 1:23, 24). Contrast "evil spoken of" (1Pe 4:14).

      as it is with you— (1Th 1:6; 4:10; 5:11).

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