Exodus 19:5

     3-6. Moses went up unto God—the Shekinah—within the cloud (Ex 33:20; Joh 1:18).

      Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, &c.—The object for which Moses went up was to receive and convey to the people the message contained in these verses, and the purport of which was a general announcement of the terms on which God was to take the Israelites into a close and peculiar relation to Himself. In thus negotiating between God and His people, the highest post of duty which any mortal man was ever called to occupy, Moses was still but a servant. The only Mediator is Jesus Christ [1Ti 2:5; Heb 12:24].

Jeremiah 33:9

     9. it—the city.

      a name . . . a praise— (Jer 13:11; Isa 62:7).

      them—the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

      they shall fear . . . for all the goodness— (Ps 130:4). The Gentiles shall be led to "fear" God by the proofs of His power displayed in behalf of the Jews; the ungodly among them shall "tremble" for fear of God's judgments on them; the penitent shall reverentially fear and be converted to Him (Ps 102:15; Isa 60:3).

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