Exodus 33:12

Exodus 33:17

John 15:16

     16. Ye have not chosen me, but I . . . you—a wholesale memento after the lofty things He had just said about their mutual indwelling, and the unreservedness of the friendship they had been admitted to.


      you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit—that is, give yourselves to it.

      and that your fruit should remain—showing itself to be an imperishable and ever growing principle. (Compare Pr 4:18; 2Jo 8).

      that whatsoever ye shall ask, &c.—(See on Joh 15:7).

Philippians 3:12

     12. Translate, "Not that I," &c. (I do not wish to be understood as saying that, &c.).

      attained—"obtained," namely, a perfect knowledge of Christ, and of the power of His death, and fellowship of His sufferings, and a conformity to His death.

      either were already perfect—"or am already perfected," that is, crowned with the garland of victory, my course completed, and perfection absolutely reached. The image is that of a race course throughout. See 1Co 9:24; Heb 12:23. See TRENCH [Greek Synonyms of the New Testament].

      I follow after—"I press on."

      apprehend . . . apprehended—"If so be that I may lay hold on that (namely, the prize, Php 3:14) for which also I was laid hold on by Christ" (namely, at my conversion, So 1:4; 1Co 13:12).

      Jesus—omitted in the oldest manuscripts. Paul was close to "apprehending" the prize (2Ti 4:7, 8). Christ the Author, is also the Finisher of His people's "race."

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