Ezekiel 16:16

     16. deckedst . . . with divers colours—or, "didst make . . . of divers colors" [FAIRBAIRN]; the metaphor and the literal are here mixed. The high places whereon they sacrificed to Astarte are here compared to tents of divers colors, which an impudent harlot would spread to show her house was open to all [CALVIN]. Compare as to "woven hangings for Astarte" (the right translation for "grove") 2Ki 23:7.

      the like . . . shall not come, neither shall . . . be—rather, "have not come, nor shall be." These thy doings are unparalleled in the past, and shall be so in the future.

Ezekiel 16:25

     25. at every head of the way—in the most frequented places (Pr 9:14).

      thy beauty . . . abhorred, . . . opened . . . feet to every one—The wanton advances were all on Israel's part; the idolatrous nations yielded to her nothing in return. She had yielded so much that, like a worn-out prostitute, her tempters became weary of her. When the Church lowers her testimony for God to the carnal tastes of the world, with a view to conciliation, she loses everything and gains nothing.

Ezekiel 23:41

     41. bed—divan. While men reclined at table, women sat, as it seemed indelicate for them to lie down (Am 6:4) [GROTIUS].

      table—that is, the idolatrous altar.

      mine incense—which I had given thee, and which thou oughtest to have offered to Me (Eze 16:18, 19; Ho 2:8; compare Pr 7:17).

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