Ezekiel 2:2

     2. spirit entered . . . when he spake—The divine word is ever accompanied by the Spirit (Ge 1:2, 3).

      set . . . upon . . . feet—He had been "upon his face" (Eze 1:28). Humiliation on our part is followed by exaltation on God's part (Eze 3:23, 24; Job 22:29; Jas 4:6; 1Pe 5:5). "On the feet" was the fitting attitude when he was called on to walk and work for God (Eph 5:8; 6:15).

      that I heard—rather, "then I heard."

Ezekiel 3:23-24

     23. glory of the Lord— (Eze 1:28).

     24. set me upon my feet—having been previously prostrate and unable to rise until raised by the divine power.

      shut thyself within . . . house—implying that in the work he had to do, he must look for no sympathy from man but must be often alone with God and draw his strength from Him [FAIRBAIRN]. "Do not go out of thy house till I reveal the future to thee by signs and words," which God does in the following chapters, down to the eleventh. Thus a representation was given of the city shut up by siege [GROTIUS]. Thereby God proved the obedience of His servant, and Ezekiel showed the reality of His call by proceeding, not through rash impulse, but by the directions of God [CALVIN].

Revelation of John 1:17

     17. So fallen is man that God's manifestation of His glorious presence overwhelms him.

      laid his right hand upon me—So the same Lord Jesus did at the Transfiguration to the three prostrate disciples, of whom John was one, saying, Be not afraid. The "touch" of His hand, as of old, imparted strength.

      unto me—omitted in the oldest manuscripts.

      the first . . . the last— (Isa 41:4; 44:6; 48:12). From eternity, and enduring to eternity: "the First by creation, the Last by retribution: the First, because before Me there was no God formed; the Last, because after Me there shall be no other: the First, because from Me are all things; the Last, because to Me all things return" [RICHARD OF ST. VICTOR].

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