Ezekiel 3:9

     9. As . . . flint—so Messiah the antitype (Isa 50:7; compare Jer 1:8, 17).

Ezekiel 11:19

     19. I will give them—lest they should claim to themselves the praise given them in Eze 11:18, God declares it is to be the free gift of His Spirit.

      one heart—not singleness, that is, uprightness, but oneness of heart in all, unanimously seeking Him in contrast to their state at that time, when only single scattered individuals sought God (Jer 32:39; Zep 3:9) [HENGSTENBERG]. Or, "content with one God," not distracted with "the many detestable things" (Eze 11:18; 1Ki 18:21; Ho 10:2) [CALVIN].

      new spirit— (Ps 51:10; Jer 31:33). Realized fully in the "new creature" of the New Testament (2Co 5:17); having new motives, new rules, new aims.

      stony heart—like "adamant" (Zec 7:12); the natural heart of every man.

      heart of flesh—impressible to what is good, tender.

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