Galatians 1:13

     13. heard—even before I came among you.

      conversation—"my former way of life."

      Jews' religion—The term, "Hebrew," expresses the language; "Jew," the nationality, as distinguished from the Gentiles; "Israelite," the highest title, the religious privileges, as a member of the theocracy.

      the church—Here singular, marking its unity, though constituted of many particular churches, under the one Head, Christ.

      of God—added to mark the greatness of his sinful alienation from God (1Co 15:19).

      wasted—laid it waste: the opposite of "building it up."

Ephesians 4:22

     22. That ye—following "Ye have been taught" (Eph 4:21).

      concerning the former conversation—"in respect to your former way of life."

      the old man—your old unconverted nature (Ro 6:6).

      is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts—rather, "which is being corrupted ('perisheth,' compare Ga 6:8, 'corruption,' that is, destruction) according to (that is, as might be expected from) the lusts of deceit." Deceit is personified; lusts are its servants and tools. In contrast to "the holiness of the truth," Eph 4:24, and "truth in Jesus," Eph 4:21; and answering to Gentile "vanity," Eph 4:17. Corruption and destruction are inseparably associated together. The man's old-nature-lusts are his own executioners, fitting him more and more for eternal corruption and death.

1 Timothy 4:12

     12. Let no man despise thy youth—Act so as to be respected in spite of thy youth (1Co 16:11; Tit 2:15); compare "youthful" as to Timothy (2Ti 2:22). He was but a mere youth when he joined Paul (Ac 16:1-3). Eleven years had elapsed since then to the time subsequent to Paul's first imprisonment. He was, therefore, still young; especially in comparison with Paul, whose place he was filling; also in relation to elderly presbyters whom he should "entreat as a father" (1Ti 5:1), and generally in respect to his duties in rebuking, exhorting, and ordaining (1Ti 3:1), which ordinarily accord best with an elderly person (1Ti 5:19).

      be thou an exampleGreek, "become a pattern" (Tit 2:7); the true way of making men not to despise (slight, or disregard) thy youth.

      in word—in all that thou sayest in public and private.

      conversation—that is, "behavior" the Old English sense of the word.

      in charity . . . faith—the two cardinal principles of the Christian (Ga 5:6). The oldest manuscripts omit, "in spirit."

      in purity—simplicity of holy motive followed out in consistency of holy action [ALFORD] (1Ti 5:22; 2Co 6:6; Jas 3:17; 4:8; 1Pe 1:22).

James 3:13

     13. Who—(Compare Ps 34:12, 13). All wish to appear "wise": few are so.

      show—"by works," and not merely by profession, referring to Jas 2:18.

      out of a good conversation his works—by general "good conduct" manifested in particular "works." "Wisdom" and "knowledge," without these being "shown," are as dead as faith would be without works [ALFORD].

      with meekness of wisdom—with the meekness inseparable from true "wisdom."

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