Galatians 6:16

     16. as many—contrasting with the "as many," Ga 6:12.

      rule—literally, a straight rule, to detect crookedness; so a rule of life.

      peace—from God (Eph 2:14-17; 6:23).

      mercy— (Ro 15:9).

      Israel of God—not the Israel after the flesh, among whom those teachers wish to enrol you; but the spiritual seed of Abraham by faith (Ga 3:9, 29; Ro 2:28, 29; Php 3:3).

Philippians 2:2

     2. Fulfil—that is, Make full. I have joy in you, complete it by that which is still wanting, namely, unity (Php 1:9).

      likeminded—literally, "that ye be of the same mind"; more general than the following "of one mind."

      having the same love—equally disposed to love and be loved.

      being of one accord—literally, "with united souls." This pairs with the following clause, thus, "With united souls, being of one mind"; as the former two also pair together, "That ye be likeminded, having the same love."

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