Genesis 37:20

Jeremiah 38:6

     6. dungeon—literally, the "cistern." It was not a subterranean prison as that in Jonathan's house (Jer 37:15), but a pit or cistern, which had been full of water, but was emptied of it during the siege, so that only "mire" remained. Such empty cisterns were often used as prisons (Zec 9:11); the depth forbade hope of escape.

      Hammelech— (Jer 36:26). His son followed in the father's steps, a ready tool for evil.

      sunk in the mire—Jeremiah herein was a type of Messiah (Ps 69:2, 14). "I sink in deep mire," &c.

Jeremiah 38:11

     11. cast clouts—"torn clothes" [HENDERSON].

      rotten rags—"worn-out garments." God can make the meanest things His instruments of goodness to His people (1Co 1:27-29).

      under . . . armholes—"under the joints of thine hands," that is, where the fingers join the hand, the clothes being in order that the hands should not be cut by the cords [MAURER].

Jeremiah 38:13

     13. court of . . . prison—Ebed-melech prudently put him there to be out of the way of his enemies.

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