Genesis 49:10

     10. until Shiloh come—Shiloh—this obscure word is variously interpreted to mean "the sent" (Joh 17:3), "the seed" (Isa 11:1), the "peaceable or prosperous one" (Eph 2:14) —that is, the Messiah (Isa 11:10; Ro 15:12); and when He should come, "the tribe of Judah should no longer boast either an independent king or a judge of their own" [CALVIN]. The Jews have been for eighteen centuries without a ruler and without a judge since Shiloh came, and "to Him the gathering of the people has been."

     Ge 49:13. ZEBULUN was to have its lot on the seacoast, close to Zidon, and to engage, like that state, in maritime pursuits and commerce.

     Ge 49:14, 15. ISSACHAR

Luke 2:1

     1. Cæsar Augustus—the first of the Roman emperors.

      all the world—so the vast Roman Empire was termed.

      taxed—enrolled, or register themselves.

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