Habakkuk 1:15-17

     15. they take up all of them—all kinds of fishes, that is, men, as captives, and all other prey that comes in their way.

      with the angle—that is, the hook. Some they take up as with the hook, one by one; others in shoals, as in a "net" and "drag" or enclosing net.

      therefore—because of their successes.

      they rejoice—They glory in their crimes because attended with success (compare Hab 1:11).

     16. sacrifice unto their net—that is, their arms, power, and military skill, wherewith they gained their victories; instead of to God. Compare Hab 1:11, MAURER'S interpretation. They idolize themselves for their own cleverness and might (De 8:17; Isa 10:13; 37:24, 25).

      by them—by their net and dragnet.

      their portion—image from a banquet: the prey which they have gotten.

     17. Shall they . . . empty their net?—Shall they be allowed without interruption to enjoy the fruits of their violence?

      therefore—seeing that they attribute all their successes to themselves, and not to Thee. The answer to the prophet's question, he by inspiration gives himself in the second chapter.

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