Hosea 2:5

     5. I will go after—The Hebrew expresses a settled determination.

      lovers—the idols which Israel fancied to be the givers of all their goods, whereas God gave all these goods (Ho 2:8-13; compare Jer 44:17-19).

      bread and . . . water—the necessaries of life in food.

      wool . . . flax—clothing.

      oil . . . drink—perfumed unguents and palatable drinks: the luxuries of Hebrew life.

Hosea 2:8

     8. she did not know that I—not the idols, as she thought: the "lovers" alluded to in Ho 2:5.

      which they prepared for Baal—that is, of which they made images of Baal, or at least the plate covering of them (Ho 8:4). Baal was the Ph nician sun-god: answering to the female Astarte, the moon-goddess. The name of the idol is found in the Ph nician Hannibal, Hasdrubal. Israel borrowed it from the Tyrians.

Hosea 2:12

     12. my rewards—my hire as a harlot (Isa 23:17, 18).


      destroy . . . vines . . . make . . . forest— (Isa 5:6; 7:23, 24). Fulfilled in the overthrow of Israel by Assyria (Ho 9:4, 5).

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